Sign-up to group singing sessions for people living with Parkinson’s and their carers.

We’re delighted to launch ParkinSings, a pilot project between Parkinson's UK Cymru and Choirs For Good, which will give those with Parkinson’s and their carers an opportunity to enjoy the benefits of community singing and see if it can help improve control of the voice and breathing, as well as benefit mental and emotional wellbeing. This project is funded by the Arts Council of Wales’ Health and Wellbeing Lottery Fund.
Over the course of three months, fortnightly group singing sessions will be held in Bodelwyddan Community Centre on Tuesdays between 1pm - 3pm and Newport, South Wales on Wednesdays between 2pm - 4pm. We’ll also be launching a group in mid Wales and we’ll share details shortly.
If you’re interested in joining or in finding out more, please contact
Cofrestrwch ar gyfer sesiynau canu grŵp i bobl sy’n byw gyda Parkinson’s a’u gofalwyr.

Mae’n bleser gennym lansio ParkinSings, prosiect peilot rhwng Parkinson’s UK Cymru a Choirs For Good, a fydd yn rhoi cyfle i’r rhai â Parkinson’s a’u gofalwyr fwynhau manteision canu cymunedol a gweld a all helpu i wella rheolaeth ar y llais ac anadlu, yn ogystal â bod o fudd i les meddyliol ac emosiynol. Ariennir y prosiect hwn gan Gronfa Loteri Iechyd a Lles Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru.
Dros gyfnod o dri mis, cynhelir sesiynau canu grŵp bob pythefnos yng Nghanolfan Gymunedol Bodelwyddan ar ddydd Mawrth rhwng 1pm - 3pm a Chasnewydd, De Cymru ar ddydd Mercher rhwng 2pm - 4pm. Byddwn hefyd yn lansio grŵp yn y canolbarth a byddwn yn rhannu manylion yn fuan.
Os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn ymuno neu i ddarganfod mwy, cysylltwch â
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